Saturday, December 19, 2015

Saturday 12/19/15.... Shoulders or 12 Days of crossfit part 2

Warm up: EMOM - 10
                 even - 10 PVC pass throughs
                 odd -  hang from bar :20 seconds


7 Rounds for time:
   7 shoulder press
   7 SDLHP
   7 snatch
   farmers walk 50 meters


Looks like what we are wearing for the comp next weekend! Love the socks. Merry Fitness, Christmas F

12 DAYS OF CROSSFIT (part 2)

1. stone carry

2. WTF (walk the floor)

3. front squat/ goblet squat

4. box jumps

5. DB snatch (5 each side)

6. side plank (6 each side)

7. jumping pull ups

8. Russian twists (8 each side)

9. tricep dips (or close grip bench)

10. DUBS (40 singles)

11. back extensions

12. ball slams

1 comment:

  1. 12 days of crossfit - part 2 (took longer than part1)
    KT - 32:16
    ET - 45:15
    Jo - 43:50
    Ruthie - 49:46
    Mo - 51:00
    Suz - 46:20
