Sunday, March 20, 2016



Historically, saunas have been presented as a vessel that provides many health benefits. Originating in Europe, the Nordic region, in particular, the sauna culture is quite well established in Finland and has spread all over the world in modern times. The reason for this is that sauna usage has presented many health benefits recognized by the users and therapists as well. Saunas are designed to be small rooms that provide heat sessions that may either be wet dry. Take part in a session to see how great you feel when experiencing health benefits like the ones below.

Boost Immune System

Partaking in sweat sessions in a sauna will help to create a stronger immune system for the body. The heat and sweat will lead the body to produce more white blood cells, which are its medium to fight infections and ailments. Regular users of saunas will have a higher white blood cell count, stay healthier in general, and heal faster.

Flush Toxins

Sweat is another way that the body works to remove toxins. Having heavy sweating sessions is a very effective way to help remove toxins from the body that might have been absorbed in many ways. Having these intense sweating sessions in a sauna will flush toxins in an effective way, leaving you feeling invigorated and refreshed.

Great Looking Hair

The glands on the scalp, called sebaceous glands, release compounds that condition and moisturize the hair. This gland is activated when time is spent sweating, releasing the compounds and making hair look amazing.

Help You Look Younger

The largest organ of the body, the skin, needs regular exercise, and saunas are a great way to do this. It might sound weird, but as dead skin cells accumulate on the body, the skin loses its elasticity. Spending time in a sauna will improve blood flow to the skin, aiding in growth of new skin and removal of the old. The oils are natural moisturizers and antibiotics, and are mobilized when sweating in a sauna.

Promote Social Interactions

Though not available in a private sauna, using one that is open to the public provides a great medium to get to know others. Friends and relatives can hold great conversations in the steam, and can even make new friends if joining a sauna alone. This is one of the lesser known sauna health benefits.

Improve Performance in Endurance Sports

In general, our bodies have a certain level of heat that they can tolerate. Using saunas regularly can increase the natural threshold for heat. This will lead to a significant improvement in endurance sports, leading to feeling less fatigued and being able to maintain energy levels for a longer period of time, thus improving performance.
Rid your mind of preconceived notions about the use of saunas, and focus on the benefits that can be derived. Partaking in a session or two can prove to make some positive changes in the body, both inside and out. While one might not see the benefit of a sauna opposed to the sun, a sauna provides a controlled environment to sweat the bad stuff out.

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